Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find answers to questions frequently asked by our customers. Is your question not on the list? Call us, we will be glad to help you!
1. Do the drivers speak German?
Your language skills are mostly limited to the respective mother tongue. However, the German language is not so important because the drivers know their customers and work processes within one, two or three weeks at the latest after their first assignments.
Not speaking German is also not a problem in everyday work, because our service team speaks and written German and can be reached around the clock, seven days a week.
2. Are there any limitations of the duration of hiring/provision of drivers?
The clear answer: no. We are ready and also able to make our drivers available on a long-term basis, i.e. over several weeks to months. Conversely, availability of drivers is also possible ad hoc and at short notice.
3. What is schedule and work time intervals of a driver?
We prefer the 6/3 system for our mediation; That means:
- 6 weeks driving
- Take a break for 3 weeks
A substitute driver will be provided for the pausing driver to compensate. –This ensures that every vehicle remains in motion without interruption. This guarantees that your order will be completed on time.
4. How much does services provided by one driver cost for an entrepreneur?
They are calculated for the individual driver assignment based on criteria such as:
- Amount of working hours in hours
- Working hours as day or night shift
- Type of cargo (general cargo or bulk cargo) according to ADR, the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
- Rental period and number of drivers per vehicle
- etc.
5. Where and how do the drivers stay at night?
The management of rentadriver24 takes care of that. The accommodation of each individual driver is organized and handled centrally.
The solution you have been looking for a long time: hiring of drivers in herba!
Do you have any questions?
Feel free to contact us.
We will be glad to advise you personally!

When it comes to truck drivers in the context of providing payable staff or temporary work, you have come to herba at the right address.
More and more companies in the logistics industry rely on the experience of our experts and specialists!